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Important Days of the Year

Jan 4:
World Braille Day. Braille is a form of written language for blind people, in which characters are represented by patterns of raised dots that are felt with the fingertips.

Jan 9:
Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (NRI Day) - marks the return of Gandhiji from South Africa to India in 1915.

Jan 10:
World Hindi Day. The day marks the anniversary of the first World Hindi Conference which was inaugurated on January 10, 1975, by the then prime minister Indira Gandhi. Bharatendu Harishchandra is the father of Hindi.

Jan 12:
National Youth Day - Birthday of Swami Vivekananda.

Jan 15:
Army Day - Field Marshal K.M. Cariappa took over the command of the Army on this day in 1949 from the British.

Jan 23:
Parakram Divas - Birthday of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.

Jan 24:
National Girl Child day of India.

Jan 25:
National Voters' Day (With effect from 2011).

Jan 26:
Republic Day of India. January 26 was chosen as the date for Republic day because it was on this day in 1929 when the Declaration of Indian Independence (Purna Swaraj) was proclaimed by the Indian National Congress.

Jan 27:
International Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is an international memorial day on 27 January that commemorates the victims of the Holocaust, the genocide of European Jews by Nazi Germany between 1941 and 1945.

Jan 30:
Martyrs Day - Martyrdom day of Mahatma Gandhi. Nathuram Vinayak Godse shot Gandhi in the chest three times at point blank range in New Delhi on 30 January 1948.

Feb 2:
World Wetlands Day. This day also marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on February 2, 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar.

Feb 4:
World Cancer Day.

Feb 21:
International Mother Language Day. It is to commemorate the 1952 killings in Dhaka during the Bangla Language Movement. The initiative is aimed at preserving and promoting mother languages.

Feb 24:
Central Excise Day.

Feb 28:
National Science Day - Marks the discovery of Raman Effect in 1928 by C.V. Raman. C.V. Raman was awarded the 1930 Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of the Raman effect, in which light that passes through a material is scattered and the wavelength of the scattered light is changed because it has caused an energy state transition in the material's molecules.

Mar 1:
Zero Discrimination Day.

Mar 3:
World Wildlife Day. The reason this date was selected for the occasion was that the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) was signed on 3 March, 1973.

Mar 8:
International Women's Day. The date of March 8 was chosen for the celebration as it marks the day when women in Soviet Russia started protests for the right to vote which they were granted in 1917.

May 12:
International Nurse Day is observed globally on 12 May every year. This day is observed to commemorate the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale. She was also known as Lady with the Lamp.

Mar 15:
World Consumer Rights Day.

Mar 20:
International Day of Happiness.

Mar 21:
World Down syndrome Day. The date March 21 was chosen to observe the day as it signifies the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome. About 95 percent of the time, Down syndrome is caused by trisomy 21 — the person has three copies of chromosome 21, instead of the usual two copies, in all cells. This is caused by abnormal cell division during the development of the sperm cell or the egg cell.

Mar 21:
International Day of Forests.

Mar 22:
World Water Day.

Mar 23:
World Meteorological Day.

Mar 24:
World Tuberculosis (TB) Day. World Tuberculosis Day was first celebrated on March 24th, 1982, on the 100th anniversary of Dr Robert Koch's presentation, who discovered the Tuberculosis Bacillus virus.

Apr 2:
World Autism Awareness Day.

Apr 5:
National Maritime Day. It is observed to commemorate the maiden voyage of the first Indian flag merchant vessel 'S. S. LOYALTY' from Mumbai to London, on April 5th, 1919.

Apr 7:
World Health Day - WHO was formed on this day in 1948, but the first World Health Day was observed in 1950.

Apr 10:
World Homeopathy Day. The date is the birth anniversary of Dr Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, who was a German physician and the founder of homoeopathy.

Apr 12:
International Day of Human Space Flight - Yuri Gagarin, the Soviet Cosmonaut made the first space flight on this day in 1961.

Apr 13:
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre Day (1919).

Apr 17:
World Haemophilia Day.

Apr 21:
National Civil Service Day.

Apr 22:
World Earth Day.

Apr 24:
National Panchayati Day. 24th April 1993 marks a defining moment in the history of decentralization of power to the grassroots, with the institutionalization of Panchayati Raj, through the Constitution (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992 which came into force with effect from that day. Rajasthan was the first state that carried the Panchayati Raj System in 1959 during the times of late Prime Minister Jawarharlal Nehru.

Apr 26:
World Intellectual Property Day.

May 1:
International Workers Day (World Labour Day).

May 8:
International Red Cross Day - JH Dunant, the man behind the Red Cross Society was born on this day in 1828.

May 9:
World Thalassemia Day.

May 11:
National Technology Day - Nuclear tests at Pokhran carried out in 1998 on this day.

May 31:
World No Tobacco Day.

Jun 5:
World Environment Day. The first World Environment Day was observed in 1974, giving a global platform for inspiring positive change in the environment.

Jun 8:
World Ocean Day.

Jun 12:
World day against child Labour.

Jun 21:
International Yoga Day. The first International Day of Yoga was observed around the world on June 21, 2015 in India.

Jun 27:
World Diabetes Day.

Jul 1:
National Doctors Day - Birthday of Dr Bidhan Chandra Ray, renowned physician and the second chief minister of West Bengal.

Jul 4:
American Independence day (July 4, 1776).

Jul 11:
World Population Day.

Jul 23:
National Radio Broadcasting Day.

Jul 26:
July 26 is celebrated as “Kargil Vijay Diwas” every year to mark the successful completion of “Operation Vijay” in 1999 that ended the 3-month war with Pakistan along the Line of Control. 

Jul 29:
International Tiger Day.

Aug 9:
August Kranti Diwas - The Quit India Movement, also known as the August Movement, was a movement launched at the Bombay session of the All India Congress Committee by Mahatma Gandhi on 8 August 1942, during World War II, demanding an end to British rule in India.

Aug 15:
Independence Day of India.

Aug 19:
World Humanitarian Day.

Aug 19:
World Photography day.

Aug 29:
National Sports Day - Birthday of Shri Dhyanchand. Born on 29 August 1905 in Allahabad, Major Dhyan Chand was the captain of the Gold medal-winning Indian hockey team at the Berlin Olympics in 1936.

Sep 5:
Teacher's Day - Birthday of Dr Radhakrishnan, the first Vice-President and second President of Independent India.

Sep 14:
Hindi Diwas - Hindi accorded the Official language status by the Constituent Assembly on September 14, 1949.

Sep 15:
National Engineers Day. M. Visvesvaraya was the first engineer of India. His birthday, September 15, is celebrated as Engineer's Day in India every year.

Sep 16:
World Ozone Day, commemorating the date of the signing, in 1987, of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

Sep 21:
United Nations International Day of Peace.

Oct 2:
International Non Violence Day - Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi (1869).

Oct 5:
World Teachers day.

Oct 11:
International girl child day.

Oct 16:
World Food Day commemorates the date of the founding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 1945. The Food and Agriculture Organization is headquartered in Rome, Italy.

Oct 24:
United Nations Day - Charter of the United Nations came into force on this day in 1945. The name 'United Nations' was coined by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1942.

Oct 31:
Rashtriya Ekta Diwas - Birth Anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.

Nov 11:
National Education Day - India celebrates November 11 as National Education Day to commemorate the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the first Education Minister of the country.

Nov 14:
Children's Day - To commemorate the birthday of Jawaharlal Nehru on November 14, 1889. His affection for children is acknowledged by all and Children's Day celebrates that bond.

Nov 26:
Constitution Day - Constitution of India was adopted on this day (1949).

Nov 26:
National Milk Day - Birthday of Dr Verghese Kurien, the father of White Revolution in India.

Dec 1:
World AIDS Day.

Dec 10:
Human Rights Day - the day on which the United Nations General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Dec 16:
Vijay Diwas - Marks India's victory over Pakistan in the Indo-Pak war in 1971.

Dec 25:
Good Governance Day - Birthday of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

Dec 29:
International Biodiversity day.


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