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Disease and Pathogens

Diseases and its Affected Area

Arthritis - Joints, Asthma - Bronchial Muscles, Cataract - Eyes, Diabetes - Pancreas, Diphtheria - Throat, Eczema - Skin, Glaucoma - Eyes, Jaundice - Liver, Leukemia - Blood, Malaria - Spleen, Meningitis - Brain and Spinal Cord, Otitis - Ears, Pneumonia - Lungs, Polio - Legs, Pyorrhoea - Teeth and Gums, Rheumatism - Joints, Sinusitis - Inflammation of sinus linings, Trachoma - Eyes, Tuberculosis - Lungs, Typhoid - Intestines

Diseases and Pathogens

Bacteria - Diphtheria, Gonorrhoea, Meningitis, Cholera, Leprosy, Typhoid, Tetanus, Tuberculosis, Plague, Whooping Cough, Pneumonia

Virus - Chicken Pox, Smallpox, Measle, Mumps, AIDS, Yellow fever, Influenza, Dengue fever, Rabies, Polio

Protozoa - Malaria, Giardia, Sleeping sickness, Kala-azar, Leishmaniasis, Amoebic dysentery

Fungus - Candidiasis, Athlete foot, Ringworms, Aspergillosis, Jock Itch

Helminths - Filaria, Tapeworm, Hookworm transmission

Interesting Facts related to Human Body

Largest and strongest Bone in the body: Femur (thigh bone)
Smallest Bone in the body: Stapes in ear
Other bones: Humerus (upper arm), Radius and Ulna (lower arm), Fibula and Tibia (lower leg), Metacarpals (palm), Phalanges (fingers)
Lower Jawbone: Mandible
Upper Jawbone: Maxilla
Number of Bone in adults: 206
Number of bones in a new born baby: 300
Number of Ribs: 24
The connective tissue between bones: Ligaments
The connective tissue between muscle and bone: Tendons
Number of Muscles: 640
Largest Muscle: Gluteus Maximus or the Buttock Muscle
Smallest Muscle: Stapedius (ear)
The strongest Muscle: The Masseters that is used to chew
Volume of Blood in the body: 5-6 litres
Lifespan of Red Blood Cells (R.B.C.): 100 to 120 days
Lifespan of White Blood Cell (W.B.C.): 5-20 days
Other name of Red Blood Cell (R.B.C.): Erythrocytes
Who discovered Blood Group: Karl Landsteiner
Largest Vein: Inferior Vena Cava
Largest Gland: Liver
Biggest Organ: Skin
Largest cell in the body: Neurons
Largest and longest Nerve: Sciatic Nerve
Number of Spinal Nerves: 31 Pairs
Number of Cranial Nerves: 12 Pairs
Largest Part of the human Brain: Cerebrum
Retina: Images formed on the retina of the eye are inverted. The brain turns them upside down.


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